After a doctor prescribed day of rest, Jeremy and I decided that we could still continue with our plans to travel to Destin for our Babymoon. It is a silly name, however it is quite a concept. It is a get-away for couples before the little one comes.
We were able to go to Destin and not drain our wallets. We stayed at Eglin Air Force Base at the on-base inn. It is a great perk of the Air Force. We left Friday night, after going out to eat with friends for a friend's birthday. Three things were on our agenda, 1. Eat crab legs, 2. Sit in the sand, and 3. RELAX!. Since I was trying to make sure my body remained calm, we mostly rode around in the car and relaxed on the beach. Had I stayed at home, laundry and household cleaning would have been staring me in the face and I would have not been able to sit still. The vacation plans came at the perfect time.
We also purchased our 'bringing baby home' outfit. I have gotten a lot of cute clothes, but the momma in me has charged me with being the one to get his coming home outfit. I don't have a pic, but it will be on him soon enough.
Here are some pics from the weekend. I have been asked to include more pictures,so here they are.