Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday Adventures

Yesterday, Jeremy and I had a couple things to mark off our 'to-do list'. Jeremy completed more on his retaining wall that he is working on (pictures to follow). Then we headed to Home Depot to return lumber; then jetted across the highway to pick up MY NEW CAMERA. I must have a good one to record our little one's new life with us. Of course, my husband had researched the heck out of it before we decided on the one to purchase. About an hour later, with new camera in tow, this pregnant woman was HUNGRY! My taste buds lead us back across the highway to Olive Garden. I can really chow down on their soup and salad deal. Yum Yum! Besides, the doctor has informed me to gain as much weight as possible over the next two weeks (more to follow about that too). While at the Garden, I started having some Braxton-Hicks type cramping and was NOT feeling well. I was slightly disappointed because I was only on my first bowl of Zuppa Tuscana and had not eaten one breadstick. The nice waitress felt sorry for me and packed me a whole salad, soup, and order of breadsticks to go.

Now the craziness begins... We head BACK across the highway to go home and put me to bed. We cross the intersection and some $%& pulls out RIGHT in front of us, Jeremy doesn't see him but I yell (I typically send Jeremy a LOT of alerts while he drives) and the brakes are slammed on. Jeremy barely hits the back end of the $%&'s car and the $%& DRIVES OFF!!!!! DID THIS JUST HAPPEN?! A motorcyclist and a very nice man in a truck run the guy down and get his plate number. HOORAY for hometown heroes! I was pretty shaken as I saw us going straight into a large portion of this evil blue Pointiac Sunfire (yes, we got tag, make, and model). Lucky for us, our neighbor repairs dings and scratches on cars. Apparently, if the nice officer who helped us can find this $%& then we can put a warrant out for his arrest. Which, being in my profession and seeing victims of car accidents, I will be more than happy to do my part to hopefully stop the $%& from seriously hurting someone.

Anyway...below is a pic with my new camera. It is a pair of newborn shoes that I bought the other day. They are precious! We also have a video of Jeremy and Hippi playing their favorite game to practice with the video feature and uploads. Enjoy!

1 comment:

peggy salg said...

Congratulations!! I am sory I couldn't be there for this very special event, but hopefully can meet him soon! Love to you all, Aunt Peg